English Worksheet for Class 2: A Complete Guide

English Worksheet for Class 2: A Complete Guide

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Sara loves to play soccer. She practices every day after school. On the weekends, she plays on a team with her friends. Last weekend, her team won a game 3-1. Sara scored two of the goals! She was very happy.

  1. What does Sara love to play?
  2. When does she practice?
  3. What does she do on the weekends?
  4. What was the score of Sara's game last weekend?
  5. How many goals did Sara score?

Fill in the blanks with 'a' or 'an'.

  1. 1.    ___ apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  2. 2.    My mom gave me ___ ice cream cone.
  3. 3.    We saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
  4. 4.    Can I have ___ orange, please?
  5. 5.    She found ___ old coin on the ground.

Fill in the blanks with 'the' or leave the space blank.

  1. 1.    ___ sun is very bright today.
  2. 2.    ___ moon is visible in the sky.
  3. 3.    I saw ___ bird flying in the sky.
  4. 4.    Can you pass me ___ salt, please?
  5. 5.    ___ Taj Mahal is located in India.

Choose the correct article (a/an/the) to complete each sentence.

  1. 1.    I saw ___ bear at the zoo yesterday.
  2. 2.    ___ house is made of bricks and mortar.
  3. 3.    My friend gave me ___  present for my birthday.
  4. 4.    We went to ___ beach and swam in ___ ocean.
  5. 5.    My mom made me ___ sandwich for lunch.

Write the name of the animal that matches the description. Choose from the options provided.

  1. 1.    A large gray animal with a long trunk: __________ (elephant, giraffe, lion)
  2. 2.    A small, furry animal that says "meow": __________ (dog, cat, horse)
  3. 3.    An animal with black and white stripes: __________ (giraffe, zebra, lion)
  4. 4.    An animal that can swim and has a flat tail: __________ (crocodile, dolphin, kangaroo)
  5. 5.    An animal that can fly and has feathers: __________ (eagle, snake, turtle)

Write the name of the color that matches the description. Choose from the options provided.

1.    The color of the sky: __________ (green, blue, yellow)
2.    The color of a banana: __________ (red, black, yellow)
3.    The color of grass: __________ (blue, green, purple)
4.    The color of snow: __________ (white, pink, orange)
5.    The color of a rose: __________ (black, red, brown)

Write the name of the shape that matches the description. Choose from the options provided.

  1. 1.    A shape with three sides: __________ (circle, triangle, square)
  2. 2.    A shape with four sides of equal length: __________ (rectangle, square, circle)
  3. 3.    A shape with six sides: __________ (hexagon, pentagon, triangle)
  4. 4.    A shape with no sides: __________ (circle, triangle, square)
  5. 5.    A shape with five sides: __________ (octagon, pentagon, hexagon)

Complete the word by adding the missing letter.

  1. 1.    C__t (a kind of fruit)
  2. 2.    C__k (a bird that crows)
  3. 3.    C__p (a type of headwear)
  4. 4.    C__p (a container used for drinking)
  5. 5.    C__t (a small insect that crawls)
  6. 6.    S__p (to stop suddenly)
  7. 7.    S__k (an object used for writing)
  8. 8.    S__p (a small amount of liquid)
  9. 9.    S__g (to make a sound with your voice)
  10. 10.    S__t (to rest your body)
  11. 11.    P__t (a type of vegetable)
  12. 12.    P__l (a game played with a ball)
  13. 13.    P__e (a small bag used for carrying things)
  14. 14.    P__n (an object used for writing)
  15. 15.    P__k (to pierce with a sharp object)

Writing Opposite Words

  1. 1.    Hot: __________
  2. 2.    Tall: __________
  3. 3.    Big: __________
  4. 4.    Fast: __________
  5. 5.    Happy: __________
  6. 6.    Run: __________
  7. 7.    Sit: __________
  8. 8.    Open: __________
  9. 9.    Close: __________
  10. 10.    Buy: __________
  11. 11.    Up: __________
  12. 12.    Day: __________
  13. 13.    Happy: __________
  14. 14.    Boy: __________
  15. 15.    Front: __________

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