'Time Management' during Board Examination Before we start for the time management lets learn the proper ways of learning different subjects, which will help you prepare yourself strongly for the board exams and syllabus. Every subject has its own techniques and methods of grabbing the relevant knowledge. After this you will be learning the best way of preparing the time table during examination. Let’s begin with English, It is very important to read all the chapters, don’t just read the summary. You can learn the summary of novel but don’t do it for those two books. Read all the chapters properly. Write down all the character sketches for the two text books and the novel. And at least once for the writing section, practice all those which is asked like article, report, Speech, essay or letters…etc.For reading section just work on your vocabulary and practice for self writing or framing answers. For Physics and Maths in Board Examination, As Physics and maths are counted one of the toughest subjects. But if we practice and prepare them properly we can be more confident before appearing in board exams. First of all select your favourite or interesting chapters at least 60% or above (Based on Your interest). Then prepare notes with important topics, formulas, derivations...Etc. Practice them self at least three times. Then solve numerical questions and examples with the help of formulas and derivation. Most of all practice NCERT Question and Answers. Finally Prepare and practice last three years sample papers (Based on your selected chapters). For Chemistry, Again be selective for the chapters based on your interest. Then solve all NCERT questions at least try to solve as much as you can in this short time. Then solve those previous years question/sample papers (Last three Years) which you/your teachers think are important. You can clear your concepts with the help of mathematical formulas guided by your teachers in chemistry. Bio is counted in theoretical Subjects. For Bio, you must revise NCERT as much as possible. Practice the diagrams of reproduction. Solve the papers of previous years (Last 3 Years). Make important points of Bio-technology and genetics like incomplete dominance, co-dominance, DNA fingerprinting etc. Revise all the examples of Ecological relationship. Managing things in an optimum time frame is referred as Time Management. We all are aware of time management but still most of the students run out of time because of lack of proper planning. In the examination hall every third student goes through this problem. Thus, always keep in mind that time management is the key to success in exams. Even during the preparation of exams, every student must work on his or her time management. The biggest problem which every student faces is ‘Wrong Time-Table’. Every student makes an ideal time table in place of real or practical time table. For instance: - A student writes that He or she will get up sharp at 4:00 AM. This is slightly difficult as in routine and causes failure of the time table. So point out the important tasks during examinations and set your time table quite practical and flexible to fulfill all the deeds. Don’t change your regular routine just try to minimize wasting the time. Best of Luck for the board examination.
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