Career Counseling
"Work to become, not to acquire."Elbert Hubbard
Career Counseling is something that starts in childhood and continues throughout the rest of one's life. Career is influenced by a a variety of factors, which include our abilities, interests, background, education, values, enthusiasm and personality. A person who study career development with the purpose of assisting others in making the best they can do is known as career counselor. Career counselor use their expertise to guide and help people to choose better education, Career and life choices based upon their individual skills and abilities. They assist individuals along the way towards their career development. They just help to build a rewarding and fulfilling career. Career councelling is needed when we are looking for a change or in the state of confusion to choose the available ways. Here are some key ways that a career counselor can help- Help to find out Available career options A talented and skillful career counselor can help you find realistic positions based upon your qualification, skills, personality, abilities, interests and background. They have an ability to sort through all the available options, and if there's an opportunity that you are especially interested in, but not quite suitable for. They can help to set you on the right path to gain the necessary qualifications as well. Help to get the Perfect Position To know what ones strengths and weaknesses are, and what are the fields best suitable for them, is not an easy task as it sounds. Many people have wrong perceptions when it comes about their capabilities. Career counselors use a variety of needed tools and techniques to help match the abilities to the perfect career choices. They conduct lots of tests like aptitude tests, career assessment tests, and education in career development. Such kinds of tests are not only designed to match one's strengths with a variety of career choices, but also to discover one's weaknesses and identify which careers that one should try to avoid. Help with Job Support Once one has identified the position that would be fit for one's life, the next step is trying to lend it. This is another area in which career counselors can be an invaluable assets. They not only help you to craft the perfect resume but help you to highlight the wide variety of positions. "They can help you to locate and land a job that is perfectly suited to your skills and abilities."Introduction The state capital, Jaipur, is usually marketed for it...
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