The world is changing with the speed of light. New technologies are being the cause of diminishing the old ones. The old ways of having fun, communicating, and connecting to the world are seriously changing. And that is probably it is becoming extremely hard for today’s kids to keep up with the changes. Research indicates that when kids have so much to choose from or say things are happening so fast around them, then their tiny mind can’t adapt to them at the same speed. And it sometimes becomes the cause of an emotional breakdown, whom many of us know about nervousness, seclusion, or anxiety disorder.
With the new gyms, dance classes, yoga sessions, and swimming lessons opening all around us, the teenagers, the new generation has so many things to stay fit and healthy. However, reports are continuously claiming that they are not very mentally fit. One in every three kids has some serious depression issues. While others may have slight emotional problems. Earlier, it was never necessary to take a kid to the doctor because he was sad. But, now, many schools in Jaipur have hired psychologists to personally attend to these children. That means they are there to see that no kid performs any self-harming activity due to depression.
If your kids often levitate in the air of sadness, depression, anxiety, emotional breakdown, or social fear, this article is for you. Let’s see the reason behind all this:
1. Video Games
Video games today are the biggest escape for kids to find an escape from the real world. They are not only a slap on the parent’s pockets, but they constantly demand money to get advanced in the games. Especially the Smartphone ones. There’s no limit on how much money one can spend on mobile games. A person from Europe spent around 2 million on a game to get nothing at all. The further the teenager gets into the games, the more depressed they become because there are millions of other players who are already ahead of them.
2. No Real-Life Social Time
Meeting people or friends in social chartrooms is way different than meeting them in person. A recent study shows that people act and write different around the internet. Apart from that, social media engagement is, in most cases, unhealthy. Kids barely learn something out of that. For example, visiting a part without your handheld, the big-screened device will help you analyze the things you could never analyze on the internet. The chirps of birds, the fresh air, the sight of real flowers, and squirrels running all around you is something that freshens up the mind and keeps you healthy.
3. A Pressure to Excel
You need to really cautious about what you are expecting from your children. Have you invested enough time to understand the mental and physical level of them? Have you ever realized that what is the limit for them? The personality development Schools in Jaipur are constantly suggesting parents in the parents-teachers meeting to help their kids understand their true potential and not to achieve unrealistic targets. As parents, we need to make a promise with ourselves that our work is to motivate our children to achieve greater heights of success in their life. We should not put them under enormous pressure and demean or demoralize them when they fail to achieve those unrealistic targets. The minds of children are like soft sand, and it will take whatever shape we want to it becomes. Also, we should encourage them to take participate in physical activities instead of handing them over countless gadgets to keep them busy during the day.
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