Introduction Social media has now attained the status of a vital part of students' lives in this digital era for learning, communicating, and entertaining. With this boon come certain dangers that require responsible conduct online. This manual aims to create awareness among students to benefit safely from social media. Thus, topics will cover things like how social media affects mental health, practical information about privacy, security, and respecting others when communicating online,... Read More
Introduction Technology has revolutionized the face of modern education and influenced student learning and teacher instruction. Smart classrooms and e-learning portals have been very interactive, easy to access, and individualized. Virtual classes improve attendance and allow learners with various styles to be present in class. The advantages offered by technology have to be balanced with the old-school methods of learning at the same time. Education aspects such as thinking, mentor... Read More
Introduction Securing an internship with no prior experience can be challenging, but it's far from impossible. With the right approach, you can showcase your potential and land an opportunity that aligns with your career goals. The key lies in emphasizing transferable skills, leveraging networking opportunities, and crafting a compelling application that highlights your enthusiasm and willingness to learn. By focusing on these strategies, you can make a strong case for yourself, even with... Read More
Choosing a career is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make, and the process can seem overwhelming, especially for high school students who are still discovering their interests and strengths. However, starting this exploration early can provide valuable insights and direction as you make decisions about your future. Here's a guide to help high school students explore career options effectively. 1. Self-Assessment: Understanding Yourself Before diving into the specific... Read More
Discipline is often hailed as the cornerstone of success in various spheres of life, and its significance is particularly pronounced in student life. As students navigate the complexities of academic pursuits, extracurricular activities, and personal development, the importance of discipline emerges as a guiding principle for achieving academic success. Discipline encompasses the cultivation of self-control, consistency, and a structured approach towards one's goals, all of which are indispe... Read More
What is Digital India? The government of India launched the Digital India campaign for providing Government services electronically. This campaign aims at improving online infrastructure, increasing access to the Internet, or empowering the country to use technology digitally. Rural areas will be connected to high-speed internet networks under the initiative. There are three key components of Digital India: (a) the development of secure and reliable digital infrastructure, (b) the de... Read More
Every learning needs a time to focus and to be specialized in a specific skill. Every break whether during winters or summers has a great opportunity for every learner to learn something new or different. Mostly in the world the summer breaks are counted as the best time for learning and developing the new skills through summer camps. Summer breaks or summer holidays are known as one of the longest breaks in the world. Nowadays mostly summer camps are organized or operated in the sense of cultur... Read More
In a world increasingly driven by technology, Understanding why Coding is essential for your child is vital. It is an excellent approach to teach your child other extracurricular activities such as drawing, painting, dancing, martial arts, etc. But how about a skill that makes your child a critical thinker? Yes, it is the mastery of Coding. With the new technology and era, Coding is becoming an essential skill for young minds. By learning to code, young individuals can design crucial pr... Read More
Learning in students is split into two. Some students want to learn and explore new, distinct, and creative things, while others follow famous and successful personalities to get motivated, moreover like them become successful. However, for some other students, the support of teachers and parents only works. Stories play a great role in turning anyone's life from worst to best. It’s the favorite area of students that motivate them to do something great in their life. This is t... Read More
Are you searching out CBSE Nursery Syllabus? Then, don’t worry we have provided below the complete CBSE Nursery Syllabus understandably. Below provided CBSE Nursery Syllabus is common for all education board students including the CBSE board, state board, and ICSE board. What is Preschool? A nursery school or preschool is an educational establishment or learning space that provides children early education before they step into compulsory education at primary sch... Read More
Paying attention to your child's education by indulging in activities such as knowing freehand about the CBSE LKG Syllabus and other activities is a sign of an active parent. The crucial step to build your child's future is to make sure that you can pay attention to your kid's initial years of education to have proper knowledge of every subject and build a sound base for the future. So if you are curious about w what your child will study in the lower Kindergarten education,... Read More
CBSE board exams play an important role in the life of students. On this basis, a student will choose his or her future. And on the basis of CBSE exams, your performance and your capabilities are measured. Board exams create a burden on a student's mind. It is very important to clear CBSE board exams with good marks. In class 10th and 12th there are board exams held. Students need to do work hard the preparation of CBSE board exams. They need to setup a time table and relaxed min... Read More
Before knowing the importance of emotional health, let’s get familiar with the term ‘Emotional Health’. The combination of Anger, Frustration, Stress, Sadness, Mental disorder, Possessiveness, Expectations, Interest, Willingness, Happiness, Excitement, loneliness etc. are the key factors of Emotional Health. Schools have a central role to play in enabling their students to be resilient and to support good mental health and wellbeing. It is important that schools promote good... Read More
"The greatest weapon against Stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." To consider that people are stressed during the COVID-19 pandemic would be an ironical. The accepted social norms and values, like shaking hands or visiting the elderly, have gone out of the window in an effort to bring to an end to the spread of disease. We’re navigating according to new rules, and as a result, decisions about how we behave and the choices we make have become more complex. Understan... Read More
How do I prepare my Child for Online classes... Every child is unique and it's essential to find out what works best for them. To make the best of this situation, here are some tips to help your child adapt learning from home. Recent studies show that in online learning, parents often take on the role of a teacher. Making school a priority will help keep kids from treating online learning as a vacation. Research suggests that some types of parental participation have a gre... Read More
LIFE is BEAUTIFUL, undoubtedly, it has lot of celebrations. Most important is that both happiness and sorrow are its key ingredients. They resemble two sides of a coin. No one can part away from another. It's totally up to you how you perceive it. How you remain unaffected in both cases is the real success & mystery too. Life has lots of problems you have to face every day. Don't worry though! All these problems make you strong, it gives you courage to stand alone in future. Life is full... Read More
LIFE SKILLS to teach children at home during QUARANTINE Parents around the world are doing their best to navigate some semblance of a school routine at home. Whether equipped with a curriculum or not, there are some skills you can teach your kids that don't require a textbook or Google classroom. In fact, these life skills can be naturally woven into your already existing day-to-day routine. However, there are following real-life skills you can teach your child at any point of time in lif... Read More
WORK from HOME in QUARANTINE With the World Health Organization elevating the CORONAVIRUS outbreak from an epidemic to a pandemic, millions of businesses are now forced to contend with the prospect of managing a completely remote workforce. Major companies like Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and Google have already implemented remote work policies for many of their employees. Let’s be real, no matter where you’re working from, you’re still doing just that: WORKING. So, shou... Read More
The Life Skills Learning and the Need Any skill that is useful in our life can be considered a life skill. Tying our shoe laces, swimming, driving a car and using a computer are, for most people, useful life skills. Broadly speaking, the term ‘life skills’ is usually used for any of the skills needed to deal well and effectively with the challenges of life. Skills are things that can help you do something. Skills are like tools. People normally think of tools that are used to build so... Read More
"Internet", the most useful technology of modern times which helps us not only in our daily lives but also in professional lives. For educational purposes, it is widely used to gather information and to do research or add to the knowledge of various subjects. It is no doubt that in this modern era everyone prefers Google for their queries, problems or doubts. Popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. are the topmost choice of people as they offer an easy and instant reach to the vast amou... Read More
Corona virus (COVID-19) is a large family of viruses that causes illness, infection ranging from respiratory symptoms, fever, cold, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties to more severe cases such as pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. Corona virus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or object that has the virus on it, then touches ... Read More
It is good that in modern time, there has been a new kind of teacher has been evolved to help kids and even the adults learn about quite a lot of things. There are online academies, courses, degree programs, paid and free mobile apps, and newsletters to keep us ahead in the learning curve. Without a doubt, they keep us updated. However, can they replace teachers? Of course not. Many of us fail to understand that technology is nothing but a tool that allows today’s popular to learn in a smarte... Read More
Hospitality is all about the art of entertaining or receiving guests. Since the beginning of human race, hospitality existed in retaining human principles, ethics and values. Hospitality is a significant feature of our day to day life. It is not something physical or concrete, rather in true sense it is close to spiritual phenomenon. Hospitality relies on the fact in treating other people in the most appropriate manner for a particular situation. Hospitality in true sense means to treat people ... Read More
The world is changing with the speed of light. New technologies are being the cause of diminishing the old ones. The old ways of having fun, communicating, and connecting to the world are seriously changing. And that is probably it is becoming extremely hard for today’s kids to keep up with the changes. Research indicates that when kids have so much to choose from or say things are happening so fast around them, then their tiny mind can’t adapt to them at the same speed. And it sometimes be... Read More
The Final Board Examination are just a couple of months away. Everyone strives to do well. Putting in numerous hours studying each week can be a drag for students and enough to make them quit pursuing their dream of passing the exam. Or worse, they might have failed a section of the exam in the past. They need the motivation to pick themselves back up by retaking the test. Hence, it is rightly said:- "Don't say you don't have enough time. Even the legends Mother Teresa, Leonardo Di... Read More
What is Citizenship (Amendment) bill? Amending the Citizenship Act 1955 and changing the definition of an illegal immigrant. According to the previous act, any person who doesn’t have proper documents will be termed as an illegal immigrant. According to the new act, people of the following religions from three countries will not be treated as an illegal immigrant: Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The previous act had ... Read More
Social-Emotional Learning "When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self esteem…. Social and emotional learning need to be an integral part of children's education in conjunction with linguistic, mathematical, aesthetic, kinesthetic and ethical learning in this innovative point, leading national experts and motivators describe the range of programmes and perspectives that teachers, counselors and administrations can adopt to promote social emotional education in toda... Read More
“Keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water” A wellness health programme integrating nutrition, Physical activity and mental wellness has yielded affective results in reducing stress, depression, heart disease and hypertension. Health education teaches students about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It not only motivates the students to feel free but also motivates them to improve and maintain their health, prevent stress related diseases and re... Read More
School Clubs: A Way of Grooming There was a time when good marks or academic achievements were considered everything. It was enough to get admission in college or university, enough to get handsome jobs in multinational companies. However good grades are not a parameter of success. Over the years many organizations have considered that students are getting placements without the skills and succeed over the work place. It’s very common that students score A’s distinction throughout t... Read More
GLOBAL EDUCATION: TO BECOME GLOBAL CITIZEN Global Education is about developing global proficiency: the attitude, skills and learning needed to understand and participate internationally to fulfill global prospective. Specifically, students with global skills: explore their own culture. Make comparisons with other cultures and know about global issues and challenges. They develop their own understanding and learning about different culture and environment and help others to develop the same. In... Read More
CBSE: Evaluation Process Examination is a term that enables every student/participant feel nervous and excited both at the same time; especially when it comes to appear in board examinations. Striving for better marks in respective classes of Board Examinations has always been a part of students' efforts. In this category, we are going to demonstrate the Evaluation process that is usually adopted by CBSE for 10th & 12th classes respectively. Central board of secondary education (CBSE), one ... Read More
Manifesto and it’s Reality With national elections around the corner, political parties are once again gearing up to publish their official stances on key policy issues. The year witnessed myriad promises made by political parties, both informally through speeches and formally through election manifestos. Election manifestos function as signaling devices through which they attract the voters to set their priorities. While they have generated debate around issues such as employment and ce... Read More
Career Counseling "Work to become, not to acquire." Elbert Hubbard Career Counseling is something that starts in childhood and continues throughout the rest of one's life. Career is influenced by a a variety of factors, which include our abilities, interests, background, educa... Read More
DIGITAL LEARNING AND ITS IMPACT ON EDUCATION IN 21ST CENTURY As its growing Digital India in a rapid speed, we also somewhere have become addicted of technology. We must work on its positive aspect. Technology is playing a vital role in the field of education. Now the expectations of everyone have been speed up. Digital learning is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of technology. It encompasses the application... Read More
The Beginning of Rich Festivals of India India is a colurful country with full of colourful festivals. Usually every day there is a festive day according to india calendar. October and November months are celebrated as a series of festivals. It starts with Navratri and ends with divali. People enjoy this festival with shopping, sweets, cleaning the entire home, shops and offices or even their workplaces. The markets are house-packed during this festive season. The Navratri, (Sanskrit: “n... Read More
Teacher : A Nation Builder “Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.” The countdown for the much awaited day- the 'Teachers' Day' for students and teachers has begun. As the days are approaching, students are excited about the preparations for the day. A teacher is an ideal personality for students who guide them to follow a right path. The teacher can be rightly called a nation builder. Teachers through their perseverance love and sacrifices have shown us the r... Read More
Our country will be celebrating its 71st Independence Day on 15th August 2018. On the prior eve of this anniversary I extend my good wishes to all of you. On August 15, 1947, we became a free nation. Sovereignty and the responsibility for our destiny moved from the British crown to the people of India. Some have called this process a "transfer of power". It was much more than that. It was the culmination of a dream for our country - a dream seen by our forefathers and freedom fighters. We were ... Read More
How Teachers Can Help Students Who Fail in Class to Succeed at Life Many of us know kids who seemed headed for disaster when they were young and in school. Maybe they flunked out of classes, or they did drugs, or they were depressed loners. But then something happened later and they blossomed into healthy, happy adults who contributed to society in important ways. How did they accomplish this? Researchers who study risk, resilience, and recovery throughout the lifespan have identified several ... Read More
Yoga is an ancient practice originated from India. This practice is 5000-year -old which heals your mind, body and soul and we can say that yoga reforms your thoughts to peruse a great lifestyle. June 21st was declared as the International Day of Yoga on December 11 in 2014, by United Nations General Assembly after the call for the adoption of June 21st as International Day of Yoga by Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. During his address to UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014 Mr. Mo... Read More
The toughest question in life comes after schooling that what should be my career course after 10+2. Some of you might be selecting engineering, some of Medical Science, CA or CS and some of you would be looking for MBA. There are various other professional courses also available for you to make your career successful like diploma or degree courses in various department. For science - I refer to those students who are having science group in 12th standard. Science students can appear in JEE Mai... Read More
(Central Board of Secondary Education) CBSE Class 10th Result 2018 are likely to be declared by the Central Board of Secondary Education on 31 May, according to a media report. As the CBSE result’s date and time are coming near student’s excitements are on high fever. Exams often work out roughly as hoped. At the same time, there is a non-zero probability that you will do much better than expected or that you fail to achieve what you wanted. It can sometimes feel like your whole future de... Read More
CBSE CLASS 12th Result 2018 Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE is expected to release the CBSE Class 12th Results 2018 anytime this week. The confirmation for the same is not available as yet. Check official notification on and It can sometimes feel like your whole future depends on what grades you get. There can be a lot of pressure on young people to do well in exams which can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. You might have been predicted cert... Read More
Motivation: Scientific Guide on How to get and stay motivated Motivation is a powerful, yet a tricky beast. Sometimes it is really easy to get motivated, and we find ourselves wrapped up in a whirlwind of excitement. Other times, it is nearly impossible to figure out how to motivate ourselves and we are trapped in a death spiral of procrastination. A negative emotional state can really ruin our day. Prolonged stress, depression and anger are clearly not conducive to high levels of performance... Read More
'Time Management' during Board Examination Before we start for the time management lets learn the proper ways of learning different subjects, which will help you prepare yourself strongly for the board exams and syllabus. Every subject has its own techniques and methods of grabbing the relevant knowledge. After this you will be learning the best way of preparing the time table during examination. Let’s begin with English, It is very important to read all the chapters, don’t just read t... Read More
SCHOOL ADMISSIONS: 10 QUESTIONS EVERY PARENT MUST ASK The school is a place where your child will spend the next 14 years of his/her life. Is the school your child is going to, offering the best of resources? Is it helping your child learn outside of textbooks? More important, is it equipped to meet the future? It's the season of school admissions. Nearly 226 million Indian children are enrolled in schools -- 90 million of these children are attending 75,000 private schools... Read More
Poverty: Shocking Effects of Poverty on Education Poverty has been known to have core effects on education amongst children. It however has both positive and negative effects on these children, though the negative ones for outweigh the positive effects. Children from poor families receive a poor level of education as compared to those in families that are well off financially. In addition to this, chances of children in poor families enrolling in a class are dim, as the parents may depend ... Read More
The Childhood Obesity EPIDEMIC Eat better nothing less With nearly one in three children either overweight or obese (and therefore at higher risk for many chronic disease), More than 10 percent of world's population is now obese, a marked rise over the last 30 years that is leading to widespread health problems and millions of premature deaths, according to a new–study, the most comprehensive research done on the subject. The study, complied by the institute for Health Metrics and Evoluti... Read More
A series of colorful presentation "Maa Tujhe Salaam" at Albert Hall was performed by students of Rawat Public School, on the occasion of School Carnival organised by the Department of Archaeology and Museum. More than 200 students participated in the program. The program started on the day of Basant Panchami, with the worship of Goddess Saraswati. In the musical band the students presented various patriotic full tunes. Indian culture was presented beautifully in ''Rashtra Rakshanam Geet''. Al... Read More
Forced Patriotism: An issue of debate Gestures and acts like saluting the tri-colour flag, singing songs and reciting poems like Jana Gana Mana and Vandemataram and raising slogans like Inquilab Zindabad against the brutality of the ruling class played a key role in mass mobilization during the struggle for independent against the British. Even in post-independent India. The importance of such sloganeering has never been undermined and show of respect towards National Symbols continued espe... Read More
“Drugs and Peer Pressure” “Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside.” During adolescence, life is challenging enough just dealing with fitting in and the changes that occur as you grow into an adult. CBS News reports that a recent survey indicates approximately two million teens between the ages of 12 and 17 currently need treatment for a substance abuse problem. But only about 150,000 get the help they need. Teenagers often experiment with a variety of activiti... Read More
Save a girl child and save yourself. Women are important in our society. Every woman has her own job or duty in this modern society in which men are unfortunately still the strongest genders, we cannot forget that a woman’s life is a lot more complicated than a man’s life. Gender roles are based on norms or standards, created by society, we consider, masculine roles are usually associated with strength, aggression and dominance, feminine roles are usually associated with passivity nurturing... Read More
Children are the future citizens of the country. The future of the country depends upon the present children. If the children are not developed in a proper way, the country’s future will be ruined. This was rightly realized by our late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. So, he advised the people to stop observing his birthday on the 14th November and to observe this day as the children’s Day. Since 1956 the 14th November is every year, observed in India as the Children’s Day. On the Child... Read More
Human civilization have been around for a paltry 12,000 years- hardly a few seconds on the geological clock. In this short a one unit of time, we have managed to create quite a ruckus etching our dominance over nature with village, towns, cities, megacities. The destruction of environment and the eradication of wildlife. Air pollution, water pollution, garbage and pollution of natural environment etc. are all challenges for India as well for whole world. According to World Bank experts, be... Read More
The safety of children is potentially at risk from accidents and injuries as well as crime. Providing a safe environment, putting prevention measures into practice and teaching children methods of self-protection are all ways to reduce the potential for harm to children. In 2007, Former President of India, A man of all tenses, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam had said “The rights of women and children and their aspirations are of paramount importance in our march towards an inclusive and equitable socie... Read More
On 2nd October, 2014, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, launched a nation-wide Swachh Bharat Campaign on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary. The concept of Swachh Bharat is to provide sanitation facilities to every family, including toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal systems, village cleanliness, and safe and adequate drinking water supply. We have to achieve this by 2019 as a befitting tribute to the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, on his 150th birth annivers... Read More
Let Reading not just be confined to be a basic skill since it is also a pleasure pavement a person needs to have to succeed in life. Vitality of good Reading habit not only makes a person academically rich but it further enlarges the orbit scale of one’s values, vivacity and ventures in life. This pleasure pursuit encompasses in itself various benedictions. The propinquity to Reading leads to the enrichment of one’s magnanimity of words selection. Reading allows such an exposure to make a ... Read More
How to Be Connected with Classmates in Classroom? In students life it is very important to be connected with each other for better results or better performance. Teachers may help in going ahead in this form. There are many types of kinds of children who are mentally of psychologically different from others. Therefore in classroom sharing is a must part in student life. Some students may struggle with reaching out and making connections more than others. However, making a connection with a c... Read More
Admission Open for 2017-18 Rawat Public School, Pratap Nagar is a CBSE Affiliated school in jaipur also one of the Best cbse school in jaipur. “School is a building which has four walls with tomorrow inside.” - Lon wotters Schools are special places when our best childhood memories reside. We probably met our childhood friend at school and can remember the funny things that happened. School is the best place for Learning. Here kids learn, play, enjoy and live beautiful Moments... Read More
Yoga: Way to live Healthy Life "Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." - Bhagvad Geeta 'Yoga' word is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj'. Yoga means Union of the Individual Consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. It is more than physical Exercise. The Science of Yoga imbibes the complete essence of the way of life. Yoga is for all age groups. Yoga has become popular due to short term as well as long term benefits that it provi... Read More
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) today declared the class 8 RBSE 2017 results on official website The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) today declared the class 8 RBSE 2017 results on its official websites and The results were put online at 5 pm. Students can also check their results on private education websites like The board announced 100 percent pass percentage f... Read More
Human Chain on No Tobacco Day by Students of Rawat Public school.. An Initiative taken for Social Awareness….. #NoTobaccoDay #No_Tobacco #chain #aware #rps #RawatPublicSchool #PratapNagar #Jaipur Read More
Congratulations!!!!!!! Rawat Public School Represented #Rajasthan And remained Champion In #Cricket Tournament organised by United India Games Association, Delhi. Director Mr. Narendra Rawat & Principal Mr.A.K.Gupta congratulated team and appreciated Efforts of Coach Mr.... cricket-tournament-organised-by-united-india-games-association-delhi/ Read More
Introduction The state capital, Jaipur, is usually marketed for it...
Introduction Handwriting has been the backbone of human communication, e...
Introduction The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is one of t...